Saturday, October 29

Day 18: Shoes

 Okay, so these aren't my shoes, this is a gross spider. we seem to be having an epidemic of them lately; the other day I was fixing my hair and one crawled down from the ceiling and landed on my neck, I didn't see it until I turned my head and there was this nasty creature making its way down my neck! needless to say, its life was cut short that day by some lovely candles... I don't kill them when they are outside, this one in the picture, got to live on a technicality, he was outside on my door jam. as soon as they cross the threshold, they are mine for the killing.

These are my purple shoes. I think, actually, I may have one more pair of purple shoes in addition. apparently purple is my favorite color. I always thought it was turquoise but I seem to be drawn to all things purple these days.

1 comment:

  1. YIKES.... Wow. I hate spiders. Luckily I've only seen 2 really tiny ones in my apartment. I'm sure I'll see a million when we move back. Yucko.

    And you look really good in purple =)
