Sunday, October 30

Day 19: Something Orange

Bet you thought it was gonna be a pumpkin :)

Sorry for the terrible photo quality. I'm still not feeling great. yesterday was fantastic, and today , well sucks!
this little guy is actually a beanbag dart board, Chris won it at wunderland the night of his bachelor party!
(we had clean parties :)) anyway, he lived above Chris' dresser for a while but I found he's much happier behind our bedroom door... or was that me who is happier.... oh well! ;)

Saturday, October 29


Chris took me to the fish hatchery / Bonneville dam!
we've been there before, but it was kind of a get-out-of-the-house
excursion because I've been sick since Tuesday night, so i've been cooped up all week
trying to unplug my nose, and at the same time, keep it from running clean off my face.
I'm still sick, but lots better than Wednesday, that's for sure.

whenever I take pictures of me and chris he always has to make silly faces. I tried to get him to just smile. he tried to pretend he was when I took this one, by sticking his cheek out, he thought he could fool me. he was wrong ;)

Day 18: Shoes

 Okay, so these aren't my shoes, this is a gross spider. we seem to be having an epidemic of them lately; the other day I was fixing my hair and one crawled down from the ceiling and landed on my neck, I didn't see it until I turned my head and there was this nasty creature making its way down my neck! needless to say, its life was cut short that day by some lovely candles... I don't kill them when they are outside, this one in the picture, got to live on a technicality, he was outside on my door jam. as soon as they cross the threshold, they are mine for the killing.

These are my purple shoes. I think, actually, I may have one more pair of purple shoes in addition. apparently purple is my favorite color. I always thought it was turquoise but I seem to be drawn to all things purple these days.

Friday, October 28

Day 17: Technology

This is my laptop, cell phone, and mp3 headphones. I have to chuckle at all the wires i battle every day or so just to get my "luxuries" to work. haha.

Day 16: long Exposure.

I don't know if this really counts, all night time photos take a long time to take so i assumed that it would work. I know, I was being bad and using my phone to take pictures while driving, but if you look... my light was red. nobody was in danger :)

Sorry! I was very very sick

Plus yesterday, I didn't have internet. pretty much all I saw was the inside of my eyelids.
to make up for it, here is a tour of my apartment!
its teensy, but it'll be a good memory to tell grandkids someday..
This is our living room, pretty much everything in this room was free, the couch and chair were gifts from 
my parents for our wedding [well..handmedowns] the table and red clock we got from IKEA with giftcards, 

the hooks for our coats, the lamp and the tv and tv stand were things we had from christmas' past, as well as wedding gifts. and there's a quick panorama of that.
 This is our deck, we actually use this door waaaay more than our front door. we have neighbors who congregate in front of our door [her front door faces ours] and they take up that whole side walk.
 This is a look from the door we enter by.
 This is my festive fall decorations.. elaborate, I know :)
 here's a better shot of our living room
 The clock is from IKEA, the turtle was a gift from my mom, the square i from my sister. and the photos are from a graduation party
 photos of us, along with our unity candle, wedding album, and some cute bear things from chris' grandparents.

 This is our bedroom

 I made these to go above our bed.
 my side of the bed has chris' shoes under it... I know, totally makes sense huh? haha
 well, I didn't think this was THAT blurry. whoops.
 Chris' uber exciting dresser.

and our over exposed bathroom!

Wednesday, October 26

30 day challenge!

Sorry, its "long exposure" today,
but I am feeling really sick today.
hopefully I'll be back at it tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 25

day 15: silhouette

           I started out with this one, and then took a more traditional one, outside, but the colors were weird, so I just went with this. I don't know if it counts, since you can see my real hand, but oh well! Today is kind of a gray day, with bursts of sun, and REALLY cold.
don't get me wrong, I love cool weather, but somehow it caught me off guard. I'm glad today is silhouette day, I wore makeup and everything today [I'm trying to be more feminine] and i found my favorite pictures of the day don't involve my face at all.

Monday, October 24

Day 14: Eyes

These are Alissa's eyes, Alissa is my sister.
my sister, mom, grandma, and grandpa all share this wide eyed look. somehow I ended up with Asian looking eyes. I think that's pretty interesting to have such diversity within a family.

Day 13: me with 13 things

There are 13 lights in this picture! I made it like 5 years ago i think...
it was the best i could come up with that had 13 things! it was either 10 people... 6 cars...30 toes... 13 is  A hard number.

Sunset: Day 12

This was from chris and my honeymoon, it was beautiful, we went on a 7 day mexican cruise.

Something Blue: Day 11

Something blue day!
This was taken the day before I left to go out of town
Chris took me up to corbett, YAY!

Sorry! I've been out of town

Alissa, Lauren and I stayed in this yurt for 3 days and two nights. it was tons of fun. Now we're back and I'm ready to blog again!

Wednesday, October 19

A childhood memory

Today is day 10 of the challenge, a childhood memory
My dad used to put one aftershave before work, and when we'd be headed off to elementary school, he'd cup our faces in his hands (still covered in after shave) and we'd go off to school smelling like our dad all day. i liked it.

Tuesday, October 18

Someone you love

Day 9!This picture was taken when Chris and I were just dating, this is Alissa's birthday. I love them both.

Monday, October 17


I've been helping at a youth group in Milwaukee, and this wednesday I am speaking. so here it is:

So, where to begin?
I'm Krista, I'm 22 years old.
I grew up in portland, with  my Mom, Dad and Sister, and had a pretty normal life. I was raised in a christian home, and when I was pretty young, I decided that I was going to give God my life and my plans for my life. I was baptised at around 9 years old and continue to rededicate my life to him.

Growing up, I had a really rocky, sometimes pain-filled relationship with my Dad, and almost always felt like an outsider when it came to socializing. Even though I had friends, I still felt like i was really different. This was a hard thing for me, I couldn't really understand how effortless it was for people my age to make friends, to find things to talk about, and things like that.

In Middle School, my family and I moved to a different part of portland/gresham area. I was new to school, and pretty much an outcast. I was teased for stupid things like how I wore my hair, wearing clothes that weren't "cool" and stuff like that. It was at that time I started really investing my time in church. I made friends with another girl, who at the time was far different than I was, to be honest, we really didn't like each other at first, but my mom and this girl played foursquare every week at youth group and my mom thought we should be friends, and we were kinda forced  into it. Looking back, It was a gift from God, She became my best friend all through middle and highschool, she's still one of my closest friends.

I almost felt like I was living a double life, at School I was a loser, and outside of school, I had friends, the more time I spent at church, the more meaningful relationships I built. In Highschool, to avoid the same pain from happening again, I kept to myself. It was really hard to get to know me, I hardly talked at all during schooltimes.  In 10th grade I joined a program the church I grew up in called "A12" which stood for "after the 12" as in, the 12 diciples. In that program we grew spiritually, relationally and I really starting getting a hunger for all God has to offer. I'd always been close to God, I prayed all the time, even before I joined A12. My mom and dad taught me that talking to God should be like talking to your best friend, and that, to me, was the best way to really feel free and open to talk to God.

Towards the end of highschool, and certainly after, My life had transformed into something I actually enjoyed, though church programs, camps, and building those strong friendships, I became I more outgoing person, though sometimes shy, I have met and kept new friendships going. I learned to "let go, and let God". To have that comfort of just knowing that there is someone who loves you no matter what, and to REALLY understand what that means, not just hearing all the time that jesus loves you, but to actually internalize that, and make it part of your outlook on yourself, it really changes you. God doesn't care if you're a size 2, or a size 102, he's after your heart. psalm 139, verse 13 says "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;    your works are wonderful,    I know that full well."

Throughout the rough times, I always have to remind myself that God loves me, and has a wonderful plan for my life. As I've grown in Christ, I've had so much hurt undone, My dad and I have a better relationship than we've ever had, I have wonderful friends, I even had the boldness to talk to a cute guy, who turned out later to be my husband. which I would have never had the courage to before.

We can't always control the circumstances in our lives,  in proverbs 16 verse 33 it says33 "The dice are thrown, but the LORD determines every outcome."but we can let go, and let God be God, Believe me, I am still learning this lesson daily!

A bad habit.

today is day 8 of the photo challenge.
A bad habit..
my worst one is procrastination/ ADD

I have the shortest attention span when it comes to reading [not for pleasure, but like textbooks] and doing
homework and even doing chores and cooking dinner. even if I enjoy it! its hard for me to focus on one thing sometimes.

Sunday, October 16


Today is day 7 of the challenge.
This is my sister's hand, we were driving along, eating grapes, and she found this
little guy. fruit that is  Larger or much smaller than usual is so funny to me.
I love that God doesn't make everything [or everyone] the same. He's perfect, but
not a "perfectionist". My sister collected all the small grapes we found and kept them on a little plate in her fridge. it was pretty funny.

Saturday, October 15

Something from a low angle

Today is day 6 of the thirty day challege:
something from a low angle.
This is by the sandy river delta, those thistles only come up to about your waist. I love the way they look against the white sky.

Something From a High Angle

Today is Day 5.
Something from a high angle,
meet sambo, he's my parents /my dog. He has more personality than any dog I know.

Thursday, October 13

Something Green

Today is day 4 of the 30 day challenge.
Something Green:
This wasn't what I had in mind for Green day originally, but I like it!
It kind of works out perfectly, because Chris is headed off to a conference tomorrow, leaving me here without him.
This was our honeymoon! we were too broke to afford excursions on our cruise, so we spent port days just walking around. This was our first stop, Puerto Vallarta. It was wonderful. I'd love to cruise again someday sooon.

Wednesday, October 12


Today is Day 3. 
I'm not sure if this really counts since the tree is in the foreground. but there are clouds if you look closely. This is my absolute favorite "me" spot. Its women's forum in Corbett. Its my favorite escape when I just need to be alone with jesus.

Tuesday, October 11

So today isDay Two, of the 30 day challenge and its:
What i wore today!
I wore two outfits today!I got those jeans at Old Navy when they had a really great sale, unfortunately our dryer is lazy and makes us re-dry our clothes, so, you know what happens when clothes get dried too much, they shrink! Luckily, they still fit, but they are much tighter than I intended. plus, look at the sweatshirt sleeve. Haha! oh well, maybe it'll be the style someday." the shrunken look"  The shirt is from LoveCulture, I love long tank tops and shirts, and they always have good length shirts for pretty cheap there. 4 for $12. sweatshirt from walmart. I am doing the couch to 5k plan; 4 miles today! normally I go a lot further, but I was just tired today and came home instead. I got the short shorts at a garage sale a couple summers ago, for 25 cents, the shoes [in both!] were hand me downs from my mom, and the tank top was a gift!

Monday, October 10

30 day challenge!

So, I've decided to join in the craze, and do a 30 day blog challenge, okay, its photos. but I think it'll be fun!
so day one is...

Self Portrait. 

I feel kinda ugly today, plus i didn't get a nap after my early shift... so BLACK AND WHITE it is :).