So, I've been without internet for a couple days.
note to the wise, never get clear. it SUCKS!
so sorry, these are old photos. I'm at my parents house (just to use their computer) and didn't bring my camera or memory card.
Sorry, I had to photoshop in the bokeh. but hey, it kind of makes it into a newer picture eh?
faceless self portrait.
and finally, hands!
I know I've posted a lot of wedding-ish newlywed photos, I think its because our first year of marriage was a living nightmare, that now that we've reconsiled I almost feel like a starting over of our relationship, like this should've been our first year, and last year was a nightmare we've woken up from.
love the photo edited picture. A lot! And also for being open about your early marriage years. :) Bummer about internet...yay for parents!
ReplyDeleteI thought about maybe writing out how taxing our first year was, just to remember how far we've come. we were totally different then we are now, we were so troubled we actually went to different churches, and we'd intentionally go to bed at separate times to minimize wakeful times together. SO happy God has changed both of us and we're stronger than we've ever been.
yeah it is a bummer! yeah luckily my parents live like a mile from where i work, so they let me use it whenever i need it! it beats having to find wifi when you want to not be bothered!
I agree with Alexis... it's so great that you're so honest and open about your first year of marriage. Marriage is different for EVERYONE and no one experiences the same things, but it can always be redeemed and reconciled.
ReplyDeleteI love you're hands picture... I can't remember if I took it or if Corey did, but it's very beautiful nonetheless. Love you dear!