Friday, September 30

Some weird happenings

          So I'm starting today off with something weird that happened to me today. I was walking around downtown by myself, and I had walked pretty far.. when I got over by hotel fifty, I was crossing the street when a young man approached me, probably late teens, early twenties.. I had my headphones in so I wouldn't be bothered while I was out exploring. He pointed toward my legs and murmured something, so I pulled out one of my earphones so I could hear him, thinking he was going to tell me I dropped something [which I already knew I hadn't, but just to be courteous.] I said "hmm?" so he'd repeat it, he held out his finger to show me a cut in it. not knowing what to do I said "uh oh, that's too bad". then he put it up to his mouth and pretended to put it in his mouth, and then put the same cut finger towards my mouth [ I hadn't stopped to talk, I just slowed down a little] I said "OH! um. no." and toddled off. I'm pretty sure he was on drugs, though at first glance, I thought he was just a bit weird.

So also recently at work, there has been a ton of unnecessary drama, [as if drama is ever really necessary.]
 A coworker of mine, who works in a different area, still in clothing, but has another responsibility. I have been in several meetings from rumors she's spread, including, but not limited to, 1. wasting time in the bathroom 2. going too often 3. she doesn't see me for long periods of time. 4. not knowing how to do my job 5.overstocking the shelves 6. under-stocking the shelves....all untrue.
now, lets keep this in mind. She's not my boss, nor has any say or input into my job, she also has no business monitoring my performance. It all came out of the blue too, I used to be a very good worker in her mind.. but you know, life gets boring and now she's a total crazypants about work. She's 19, and apparently bored in life, or at Target, which is fine, but its not fine to stir up rumors. The other woman stirring up drama, is as 58 year old.. yep, FIFTYEIGHT and acts like she's in middle school. She hates me, for some unknown reason, always gives me dirty looks, and major attitude. [since day 2 of my employed career there] and while we're unloading the truck, she pulls my full pallets out and replaces them with empty ones. [I have one of, if not THE, busiest job in regards to what I'm responsible for on the truck. I have 6-7 pallets, while everyone else has 3, maybe 4] well, she'll take her time pulling out my pallets, leaving me VERY behind on the truck, all the while she'll be complaining about how I stack them or whatever...well, there are two yellow posts that protect the doors and sit right beside my pallets, if you're not careful when you pull full pallets out, the entire load will topple. and that's just what she does everytime, then complains complains complains about how I am incompetent. [which I definitely am not]. The aforementioned teenage girl, the bathroom whiner, confronted me on not putting the new empty pallets [which the 58 year old rudely throws before she leaves] behind the yellow poles. I don't even touch the empty pallets unless I'm putting boxes on them.

To say the least, I hate my job, and the people I work with.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What drama! I'm so sorry that it is like that where you work. It seems like the world is getting worse....and worse as time goes on. Sometimes I just wish Jesus would come back now so we wouldn't have to deal with all of this, but I understand why He is waiting.

    And as for the guy wanting you to kiss his boo boo... That's pretty much the craziest thing I've ever heard! Portland seems like they keep breeding because there's more and more of them!

    Anyways, I'm sorry dear about your job. I will pray really hard that Jesus leads you to another job, and soon. =(
